Access to justice bodies - International
United Nations International Law -
This site brings together some important bodies dealing with international law such as the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and the Office of Legal Affairs.
Dullah Omar Institute -
The Dullah Omar Institute is a non-governmental organisation based at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. It is committed to protecting and promoting human rights and combines a strong academic tradition with a practical hands-on approach to transformation. The Centre has chosen to focus on the needs and status of particularly vulnerable groups such as children, women and people who are poor and living in poverty. It played a key role in the drafting of the final South African Constitution. It has four special focus areas: children's rights, gender, socio-economic rights and local government. It also houses a Documentation Centre and co-presents an LLM programme on Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa.
The City Project -
The mission of The City Project is to achieve equal justice, democracy, and livability for all. It is based in Los Angeles, California. Focusing on parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, health, and transit, it helps to bring people together to define the kind of community where they want to live and raise children. The City Project works with diverse coalitions in strategic campaigns to shape public policy and law, and to serve the needs of the community as defined by the community.
Legal Action Group -
The Legal Action Group (LAG) is a self-financing educational UK charity which aims to provide greater knowledge of the law and support to lawyers and advisers through its programme of publications and training. Also, LAG campaigns for improvements in the law and the administration of justice and is at the centre of the debate on how publicly funded legal services should be delivered.
Justice Connect -
Justice Connect is an independent, not-for-profit legal referral service based in Australia. It was formed in 2013 when The Public Interest Law Clearing Houses PILCH NSW and PILCH Vic merged. It seeks to meet the legal needs of community groups, not-for-profit organisations and individuals from disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds by facilitating their access to pro bono legal assistance from members who are legal professionals from a variety of backgrounds. Its main role is to receive, assess and refer requests for pro bono legal assistance. Justice Connect aims to work creatively to match clients with lawyers willing to give their services without charge.
Legal Aid Ontario -
In 1998, the Ontario government enacted the Legal Aid Services Act in which the province renewed and strengthened its commitment to legal aid. The Act established Legal Aid Ontario (LAO), an independent but publicly funded and accountable non-profit corporation, to administer the province's legal aid program. It delivers poverty law services - such as helping people to obtain or maintain social assistance benefits - through a network of independent, community-based legal aid clinics, such as the Community Legal Clinic, that are also funded by LAO.
Center for Law and Social Policy -
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) was founded as a public interest law firm in 1968. It is now a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC that works to improve the lives of low-income people. It conducts research, provides policy analysis, advocates at the federal and state level and offers information and technical assistance on a range of family policy and equal justice issues. It also represents and provides advice to state legal aid programs and encourages innovative advocacy to achieve racial and social justice on behalf of low-income and marginalised communities.
This is a UK-based law reform and human rights organisation that seeks to improve the legal system and the quality of justice by promoting human rights and improving access to justice, including criminal justice. JUSTICE produces publications and runs training events.
Public Interest Law Initiative -
The Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) is a centre for learning and innovation that advances human rights by stimulating the development of a public interest law infrastructure in a variety of countries. Founded at Columbia University in 1997 with the support of the Ford Foundation, PILI established its new headquarters in Budapest, Hungary in the spring of 2002. PILI's approach is to develop and support organisations and individuals who devote themselves to pursuing the public interest. It has an online archive of publications for download.
Public Interest Advocacy Centre -
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) is an independent and non-profit legal and policy centre located in Sydney, Australia. PIAC focuses on public interest matters which affect people as citizens, consumers or members of communities. PIAC seeks to facilitate fair and just outcomes for all Australians, particularly those who are disadvantaged. PIAC is registered to deliver training, conduct assessment and issue training qualifications.
British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre -
The British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC) is a non-profit society that advances the interests of groups that are generally unrepresented or under-represented in issues of major public concern. Its task is to provide representation to groups that would not otherwise have the resources to effectively assert their interests.
Legal Resources Centre -
The Legal Resources Centre is an independent, client-based, non-profit public interest law centre which uses law as an instrument of justice in South Africa. It works for the development of a fully democratic society based on the principle of substantive equality, by providing legal services for the vulnerable and marginalised. It seeks creative and effective solutions by using a range of strategies, including impact litigation, law reform, participation in partnerships and development processes, education and networking within and outside South Africa.
Community Legal Clinic -
The Community Legal Clinic is one of more than 80 legal clinics in Ontario that offers a variety of legal services which include client counselling, client representation, public education seminars, law reform and community development. Funded by Legal Aid of Ontario, its services are largely free of charge for low-income residents. It aims to increase access to legal services and to promote the legal well-being of the community, either through the delivery of direct legal services or engaging in law reform and/or community education.